21.12.24 ; ./bookshelf has become /newspaper. slowly reworking some pages i don't like! 12.09.24 ; /bg3 added! a shrine dedicated to astarion.. 29.08.24 ; new art in /gallery! will add thumbnails and fix wonky js at a later date 16.06.24 ; just some housekeeping. goodbye 123guestbook :( 02.05.24 ; welcome to argoxi 3.0! update many pages, fresh coat of paint for the index and added /oc/Yuval.html! moved most of my fun pages to /bookshelf, so please take a look c: 06.03.24 ; fixing links (<- bad coding practices finally caught up) 03.03.24 ; chipping away at /wardrobe~ 04.02.24 ; long time no see~ updated /gallery c: and happy valentines day! 13.11.23 ; new art in /gallery! 12.11.23 ; added /bookshelf/kanjoushiki! a page dedicated to an album of the same title. there's some cool scans and music there, so have a peek! 23.10.23 ; added scans to /bookshelf/junkdump! /bookshelf should also be responsive now... 14.10.23 ; added smaller size thumbnails to /gallery for easier loading... play/stop button added to links page 08.10.23 ; big overhaul of the homepage!!! please be patient while things are figuring themselves out! 25.09.23 ; momentous day for the jyushi site now has a jyushi shrine c: 24.09.23 ; updated junk dump (also mobile responsive now!), gallery and various bits and bobs around the place. 13.09.23 ; chatbox replaced with status cafe and blinkies replaced with fanlistings. plus some behind the scenes stuff 05.09.23 ; new art c: 04.09.23 ; started a wardrobe page!!! take a look! 02.09.23 ; ported colors profile to neotcg by gloomlee! 17.08.23 ; gallery now includes photos and filters between art and pics! go look at jyushi nui... 07.08.23 ; updated the landing with new art and a special annoucement !!!!!! listen to his (technically not) new song!!! 14.07.23 ; more art c: 30.06.23 ; started adding oc pages but i haven't made a proper links page for them yet >__> new art also 24.05.23 ; added some stamps and made some of my own + fixed the gallery a bit c: 23.05.23 ; updated my jun shrine with the new kimisute visuals and some rambling, finally got around to fixing my links page too 20.05.23 ; art c: 02.05.23 ; removed the blog and made some minor changes to various parts of the site. sitemap added also. 30.04.23 ; added a templates section and made a twst intro card template thingy!!! i want to make more of them it was fun... 23.04.23 ; removed the confetti because it was getting annoying lol. but i'll keep the bday layout up for a while! updated about and blog (i didn't realise i had an unposted entry sitting there =__=) 14.04.23 ; it's a very special day today!!! happy birthday jyushi!!! 02.04.23 ; made some small changes to the homepage and also replaced my index with it bc i didnt like having a landing page before entering the site... 31.03.23 ; added anniversary stuff to the arb page!! also art 25.03.23 ; JUN SHRINE ADDED!! 24.03.23 ; added a new arb ""shrine"". also its my third year anniversary of being a jiro fan :] 18.03.23 ; working on making the homepage mobile friendly... it is so scuffed rn and i'm too tired to fix it so i'm picking this endeavour back up another time TwT 01.03.23 ; added more art but more importantly ARGOXI BLOG IS REAL!!!!! i'm excited to have something that i can update more frequently and casually :> i hope you'll have a look!! 26.02.23 ; added a piece of cipher+ bookshelf page!!!!!! a very exciting entry for argoxi nation because it is my favourite vocaloid album of all time... 31.01.23 ; added a page for all of the random pieces of paper and packaging i have been hoarding without use... also just because i have an obsession with scanning things. lol 20.01.23 ; added MORE art! merry christmas, happy holidays and happy new year!! ^o^)/ i need to think of what to do next on the site... 12.12.22 ; added art... 24.11.22 ; joined colors tcg :D 05.11.22 ; UPDATED MEIKO PAGE FOR HER BIRTHDAY! 21.10.22 ; gallery added~ art time... updated collections and some other stuff too i think (idk i've been stockpiling little updates for like a month) 11.09.22 ; started my bookshelf!! it'll be a place for my scans and thoughts about media and music i like :] 29.08.22 ; added a webrings section for the main page ... couldn't figure out where to put it lol 24.08.22 ; WEBPAGE REDONE!!! wahhhh this took so long but i'm so much more happy with it ... there's still a lot to do but i think i'll be more motivated to work on it now that i've made a start :] 27.07.22 ; added some more meiko songs :D i've been a bit busy but i really want to redo my index ... i think it would be fun to do some custom pixel art for it but i need to focus my drawing time on other things atm ... soon though ... 21.06.22 ; added some more sections to the meiko page !!! the my stuff section and the recent songs section ... hoping to beef up the backlog of meiko songs because there's so many amazing producers out there worth a listen!!! and i'll probably update it once per month with new songs i've collected... 21.06.22 ; STARTED MEIKO SHRINE!!! please check it out i think its coming along nicely!!! still a wip but i feel like webpages like these always are lol ... also added a chatbox last minute sorry if you saw the site broken for a little um 08.06.22 ; added a collections section for links and stamps and etc etc ... still need to make it look nice but i'm lazy lol 07.06.22 ; drew and added a button :] i'm proud of how it turned out i think its pretty cute ... 06.06.22 ; revamped the site now that i know what i'm doing more lol i think it looks nicer now ... 27.05.22 ; set up chara profiles for hypmic shrine! still need to add descriptions but eh 23.05.22 ; added guestbook and started hypmic shrine bc idk what to fill my main site with yet JSDFHK 22.05.22 ; figured out wtf iframes were, started setting up links and stuff 21.05.22 ; webpage started! 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